Office hours: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, weekdays.

Shong-Iee Ivan Su

Ph. D., University of Maryland at College Park, USA
Logistics Management、Supply Chain Management、Business Process Management、Management Science
Management of Business Logistics、Logistics and Chnnel Management、Supply Chain Management、Global Logistics Management、Business Process and Sustainability Management
Professor Shong-Iee Ivan Su holds a bachelor’s degree in Transportation Engineering and Management from National Chiao-Tung University in Taiwan, a Master in Business Administration (majoring Business Logistics Management) from Iowa State University and a Ph.D. in Management Science/Logistics from University of Maryland at College Park in America. Dr. Su is a leading research specialist and scholar in the fields of supply chain & logistics management, business channel management and service system and process architecture improvement. Currently, Professor Su is teaching Logistics and Supply Chain Management Studies at the Department of Business Administration at Soochow University at Taipei. He has published numerous research reports and articles in academic periodicals, newspapers and magazines. Prior to joining Soochow University, Professor Su was a consultant and trainer to the industry and a key figure in the expansion of the Department of Logistics at National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology. Dr Su has collaborated with scholars in US, Sweden, Denmark, Hong Kong and Mainland China to look into contemporary issues in global supply chain, particularly in innovation and sustainability practices.
3600 or 2608